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Intermittent fasting: Your recipe for health

- handbook

This book was a total game-changer for me - it's like a secret weapon for both my health and those pesky body composition goals. It discusses the latest research on fasting and metabolism, providing readers with evidence-based information to support their fasting journey. Intermittent fasting myths debunked, all those doubts you had melt away like an ice cream cone on a hot summer day. It's refreshing to see a resource that not only highlights the physical benefits of fasting but also delves into its powerful effects on mental wellness. This book is a beacon of knowledge for those embarking on a journey towards improved health, sparked by the enlightening principles of intermittent fasting and longevity. Overall, this book serves as a valuable tool for anyone seeking to harness the power of intermittent fasting for improved health and vitality. #intermittent_fasting #caloric_intake #wellness.

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